17 research outputs found

    Support for UNRWA's survival

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    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides life-saving humanitarian aid for 5·4 million Palestine refugees now entering their eighth decade of statelessness and conflict. About a third of Palestine refugees still live in 58 recognised camps. UNRWA operates 702 schools and 144 health centres, some of which are affected by the ongoing humanitarian disasters in Syria and the Gaza Strip. It has dramatically reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases, mortality, and illiteracy. Its social services include rebuilding infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed by conflict and providing cash assistance and micro-finance loans for Palestinians whose rights are curtailed and who are denied the right of return to their homeland

    Hepatitis G virus (HGV) and liver diseases

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    Recently, a new flavi-like virus, provisionally named hepatitis GBV-C or hepatitis G virus (HGV), has been described and was initially thought to be the major etiological agent of non-A-E hepatitis. HGV does not induce an immune response that is consistently detectable by using recombinant proteins from prokaryotic expression and hence prevalence studies have been conducted by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based system. HGV-RNA has been detected in many human populations. This article reviews what has been investigated about HGV from normal blood donors, patients with liver disease, patients at risk of acquiring the infection to possible perinatal and sexual transmission of the virus. Based on the conclusions that can be drawn from these studies conducted so far, the association between HGV infection and liver disease is still not certain. It is possible that HGV might play a role in other diseases not involving the liver, but at the present time HGV can be considered as an orphan flavivirus still looking for a human disease

    Schistosomiasis as a possible risk factor for acquiring hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among Saudis

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    <b>Background</b> -Risk factors for acquiring hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection have been elucidated in many developed countries but the picture is still not clear in many Middle Eastern Countries including Saudi Arabia. <b> Aim</b> -To investigate possible risk factors for acquiring HCV among Saudis. <b> Methods</b> -Various demographic and medical risk factors that might be associated with the spread of HCV among Saudis were investigated. The population studied included 20 anti-HCV-positive with chronic liver disease (CLD), 30 anti-HCV-positive patients without CLD and 272 anti-HCV-negative Saudi blood donors. All people investigated were of the same age group (>40 years of age). <b> Results</b> -None of the demographic parameters studied (type of job, type of housing, education) was found to be significantly associated with acquiring HCV infection among our Saudi patients. On the other hand up to 40&#x0025; of the anti-HCV-positive patients and irrespective of the condition of liver disease had a history of surgery, and 25&#x0025; of them had a history of multiple injections. Furthermore, at least 20&#x0025; of our anti-HCV-positive patients had a history of schistosomiasis which is significantly higher than schistosomiasis among the blood donors (P&#60; 0.005). <b> Conclusion</b> -In addition to blood and blood products, schistosomiasis seems to be a possible risk factor for acquiring HCV among the Saudi population. The association between schistosomiasis and enhancement of HCV infection need to be further elucidated

    Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes among injecting drug users in Lebanon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of anti-HCV among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Lebanon, to establish the current prevalence of HCV genotypes in this population and to determine whether demographic characteristics and behavioral variables differ between participants who were HCV-RNA positive and those who were HCV-RNA negative or between the different genotypes. Participants were recruited using respondent-driven sampling method. The blood samples were collected as dried blood spots and then eluted to be tested for HCV, HBV and HIV by ELISA. Anti-HCV positive samples were subjected to RNA extraction followed by qualitative detection and genotyping.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 106 IDUs, 56 (52.8%) were anti-HCV-positive. The two groups did not differ in terms of age, marital status, and nationality. As for the behavioral variable, there was a trend of increased risky behaviors among the HCV-RNA positive group as compared to the HCV-RNA negative group but none of the variables reached statistical significance. Half (50%) of the 56 anti-HCV-positive were HCV-RNA positive. Genotype 3 was the predominant one (57.1%) followed by genotype 1 (21%) and genotype 4 (18%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The predominance of genotype 3 seems to be the predominant genotype among IDUs in Lebanon, a situation similar to that among IDUs in Western Europe. This study provides a base-line against possible future radical epidemiological variant that might occur in IDUs.</p

    The changing pattern of hepatitis A in Lebanese adults

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    Objective: A shift in the age of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection from early childhood to adulthood has been observed in many developing countries. This epidemiological shift has been attributed to improved socioeconomic status and sanitary conditions resulting in growing cohorts of susceptible young people and hence an increased risk of HAV outbreaks. The aim of this study was to investigate the evolutionary trend of anti-HAV seroprevalence in Lebanon in a cohort of Lebanese adults. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study employing a convenience sample (voluntary blood donors) along with secondary data analysis. Sera from 283 healthy blood donors were tested for anti-HAV IgG antibodies. Moreover, we analyzed the national reports of HAV cases published by the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health since 2001. Results: Anti-HAV seropositivity increased steadily from 60% in the younger age group (19–29 years) to 91% in the older age group (50–59 years), leaving the younger group at higher risk of acquiring HAV. The national data show that the number of acute hepatitis A infections is higher in the age groups 5–9 and 10–19 years. Conclusion: Our seroprevalence data reveal that young adults are becoming more at risk of acquiring HAV infection. Thus the introduction of hepatitis A vaccine is highly recommended

    Hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in Saudi dialysis patients and healthy controls

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    Background: Viral hepatitis is a global health problem with a high mortality rate. End stage renal disease (ESRD) patients have a high prevalence of Hepatitis B and C virus infection. Present study was done to identify the prevalence and course of a new isolate Hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in Saudi dialysis patients. Methods: The pattern of viral hepatitis infection (HBV. HCV and HGV) was investigated in 109 Saudi patients with ESRD and 100 healthy Saudi blood donors. Donated blood was tested for markers of Hepatitis B, C and G viruses. Liver functions were measured and blood picture and liver biopsies were also performed at regular intervals. Results: Out of the 109 ESRD patients 68 (62.4&#x0025;) were positive for at least one viral marker: 59 (54.1&#x0025;) were positive for HCV, six (5.5&#x0025;) were positive for HGV and three (2.8&#x0025;) were positive for HBsAg. Four of the six HGV positive patients were also co-infected with HCV. Eight (8&#x0025;) of the blood donors were positive for at least one viral marker. Elevated ALT levels (>4 times normal) were recorded in four out of the six HGV-positive patients including three co-infected with HCV. Conclusions: Our results are in agreement with similar studies from different countries and also raise the question about the causal relationship between HGV and liver disease among dialysis patients